Benny Morris's book, "Sidney Reilly: Master Spy," explores the life of Sidney Reilly, a renowned spy with a mysterious background. Reilly, originally born as...
"The Recruiter" by Douglas London is a rare book that captures the essence of intelligence work while remaining interesting. London, a Jew who spent three de...
"X Troop: The Secret Jewish Commandos of World War II" by Leah Garrett tells the story of a small unit of Jewish commandos known as X Troop who were recruite...
"Harpoon: Inside the Covert War Against Terrorism's Money Masters" delves into the story of Meir Dagan, a former Mossad director, who revolutionized Israeli ...
"The Patriots" by Sana Krasikov is a novel that follows the life of Florence Fein, an American Jew who moves to the USSR seeking a just society but ends up d...
"Fauda" is an Israeli TV series on Netflix following an IDF special ops team dealing with a resurrected Hamas operative planning an attack. The show delves i...