Privacy Policy

This policy is effective as of 17 March 2024.

Please read this Privacy Statement carefully as it explains how JLDR collects, processes, uses, and shares your information when you use our services, including but not limited to those available at

Your use of our services is subject to this Privacy Policy as well as our Terms of Service and all of its dispute resolution provisions. If you do not agree with our Terms of Service or our Privacy Policy, then do not use our services.

Information collected by JLDR

If you are just browsing the website but are not a registered user, we collect some basic information about your navigation of the website that helps improve your experience on our website, such as your browser type, language preference, referring site, the date and time of your visit, and an Internet Protocol (IP) address.

When you register for an account or become a donor, we may obtain various types of information from you, including both personal information and non-personal information. Personal information means information that can be used to personally identify you, such as your name, phone number or address, and any other information that would allow someone to personally identify you. We may also collect information that does not personally identify you such as demographic data and data about your online activity. You give your consent to JLDR to collect and use any personal information you provide as part of the user registration process in accordance with this Privacy Policy by (i) registering for a user account on the website and (ii) voluntarily providing us with any of your personal information.

Use of information collected by JLDR

JLDR will use the collected information described above in a manner consistent with this Privacy Policy for the following activities:

Sharing of information collected by JLDR

JLDR will never share your individual personal information with third parties, other than as set forth below, without your explicit consent. Sharing of the information we collect may occur in a manner consistent with this Privacy Policy under the following circumstances:

Third party links and policies

The website may contain links to other websites owned and operated by third parties. These third parties may collect information from you. These third parties and their computer servers may be located in the United States or in other countries. We do not control, and are not responsible for, the privacy and security practices of any third parties. We strongly recommend that you review the privacy and security policies of all third parties to determine how they handle information they may collect about you. To the extent their privacy policies conflict with this Privacy Policy, their privacy policies shall control.

JLDR’s use of information received from Google APIs will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.


We use reasonable security measures (including physical, electronic and procedural measures) to help safeguard your personal information from unauthorized access, use and disclosure. However, no system can be completely secure. Therefore, although we take reasonable steps to secure your personal information, we cannot promise or guarantee you that there will never be a breach of security.

Protecting children’s privacy

We do not knowingly collect information from children under the age of 13. Please do not allow children under the age of 13 to provide any information, including but not limited to personally identifiable information, through the website. If we learn that a child under the age of 13 has provided information in violation of our Privacy Policy, we will delete that information as soon as practical.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Statement from time to time in our sole discretion. If we modify this Privacy Statement, we will make a new copy available on our website and notify you by posting a notice on our website or sending a message to the email address associated with your account. You are responsible for reading any such modification. If a change is unacceptable to you, you may stop using our services. Your continued use of the services will be treated as acceptance of the updated Privacy Statement.

How to contact us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or our information handling procedures, please contact us by e-mail at