Tracy-Ann Oberman's production of "The Merchant of Venice 1936" brings a modern twist to Shakespeare's play, focusing on Shylock as a female character dealin...
Matthias B. Lehmann’s book, "The (Railroad) Baron," examines the life and legacy of Baron Maurice de Hirsch, a prominent figure in Jewish history during the ...
"The House of Fragile Things: Jewish Art Collectors and the Fall of France" by James McAuley is a study of four interconnected French museums, once owned by ...
The James Simon Galerie in Berlin, built as an adjunct to the city's grand museums, commemorates James Simon, a Jewish philanthropist integral to bringing cu...
Benjamin Disraeli, a prominent British prime minister, had a lasting impact on British politics and conservative ideology even after his death. He was associ...
Jonathan Sperber's biography of Karl Marx portrays him as a figure of the 19th century, highlighting his bourgeois origins, lifestyle, and approach to revolu...