In "The Story of Hebrew," Lewis Glinert presents Hebrew as a language with a rich and complex history, detailing its survival and evolution over centuries. G...
Naomi Seidman's book, "The Marriage Plot: Or, How Jews Fell in Love with Love, and with Literature," explores the historical shift in Jewish marriage practic...
Maya Arad, a prominent Hebrew writer living outside Israel, creates novels that focus on the lives of the professional class rather than the typical big issu...
Morris Dickstein's memoir "The Life of the Flying Aperu" provides an insightful account of his sentimental education, focusing on his Jewish identity and int...
Haim Gouri, a prominent Israeli poet, celebrated his 90th birthday last year, with a gala event in Tel Aviv, his birth city, despite living in Jerusalem. Gou...
Yossi Klein Halevi's book "Like Dreamers" tells the story of seven paratroopers who helped liberate Jerusalem in 1967 and follows their lives through the 197...
"The Retrospective" by A.B. Yehoshua is the final book in his Sephardic trilogy and explores the idea of Sephardic identity and culture in Israeli society. T...
Sayed Kashua, an Arab Israeli writer, has gained popularity in Israel for his humorous and insightful columns in Haaretz, which explore his experiences as an...
Haim Be'er's novel "El Makom Sheha-Ruah Holekh" tells the story of the Ustiler Rebbe, who has a dream in which his ancestor, the Holy Jew, asks for help. Bel...
David Grossman's novel "To The End of The Land" is a powerful exploration of love, loss, and family bonds set against the backdrop of military conflict in Is...