Alex Kane

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Jewish Currents Why Ceasefire Talks Are Stuck - A breakdown of the political dynamics that have prevented a ceasefire in Gaza. 24 Jun
Ceasefire talks in Gaza have been stalled despite a three-step proposal by President Biden that Hamas seems receptive to, with Israel expressing doubts. Hama...
24 Jun
Jewish Currents After More Than 100 Arms Shipments to Israel, Biden Withholds One - Experts say the administration’s attempt to “send a message” to Israel falls flat as it skirts legal requirements to cut off arms transfers. 16 May
President Biden announced on CNN that the US would halt certain arms shipments to Israel following civilian casualties in Gaza. While some Republicans critic...
16 May
Jewish Currents Chuck Schumer and Democrats’ New Line on “Netanyahu’s War” - The majority leader’s recent speech exemplifies his party’s effort to isolate Netanyahu and pacify voters without changing policy. 26 Mar
Senator Chuck Schumer, the Democratic majority leader, recently criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's handling of the conflict in Gaza, call...
26 Mar
Jewish Currents Understanding Biden’s Settler Sanctions Strategy - The administration’s sanctions on Israeli settlers are an attempt to mollify its disillusioned base without confronting the Israeli government. 5 Mar
President Joe Biden's recent sanctions targeting Israeli settlers involved in violence in the West Bank are seen as an attempt to address domestic discontent...
5 Mar