Kathy Zuckerman, who has worked as the "Ambassador of Aloha" at Dukes, a Hawaiian-themed restaurant in Malibu, for 15 years, is the real-life inspiration for...
Kathy Zuckerman, known as Gidget, worked as an Ambassador of Aloha at a Hawaiian-themed restaurant in Malibu, embodying the beachy, tropical vibe reminiscent...
Susan Sontag's 1977 essay collection "On Photography" remains eerily prescient, especially in today's world where everything seems to culminate in a photogra...
Jennifer Weiner, a prominent author in the chick lit genre, challenges the criticism and lack of recognition faced by female authors compared to their male c...
The Radical Camera: New York’s Photo League, 1936-1951, showcased at the Jewish Museum, explores the complex relationship between photography, art, and socia...
The text discusses the author's upbringing in a wealthy, secular California community with little connection to Jewish identity, but a strong attraction to J...