Frederick C. Beiser's book delves into the tumultuous period for Jews in Germany during the 1870s, exploring the rise of antisemitism which emerged despite t...
Joshua Leifer's new book explores the evolution of American Jewish identity from the post-World War II era to today, challenging the narrative of seamless as...
"Their Crowd" by Daniel Schulman is a detailed history of Jewish financiers in America, focusing on Joseph Seligman and Jacob Schiff. Seligman, an influentia...
In "Israel/Palestine in World Religions: Whose Palestine?" by S. Ilan Troen, the author delves into the complexities surrounding Israel's legitimacy, discuss...
"Between Antisemites and Zionists: The Path of Alfred Wiener" by Daniel Finkelstein offers a compelling narrative about Alfred Wiener, founder of the Wiener ...
"Atah Manhig: A Life in Reform Judaism" is a new book by Lance J. Sussman, a recently retired rabbi of a large Reform congregation in Philadelphia. The book ...
In "Stuck in the Middle," Pierre Birnbaum, a prominent Jewish historian, explores the history of right-wing antisemitism in the United States. He argues that...
This article discusses the contrasting experiences of two wars: the Yom Kippur War in Israel in 1973 and World War I. The author reflects on the dedication o...
In the book "Kidnapped!" by Motti Inbari, the author explores the story of Ruth Ben David, a French convert to Judaism, who was involved in the kidnapping of...
The lack of a constitution in the Israeli political system has been a subject of debate. Nir Kedar, an Israeli law professor, argues that David Ben-Gurion, t...