Adam Kirsch's book "The People and the Books" explores the rich tapestry of Jewish literature from Moses to Sholem Aleichem, highlighting key figures like Di...
In two new works of Jewish political theory by David Novak and Chaim Gans, the foundation of Zionism is under scrutiny, with Novak arguing for a theological ...
In Hillel Cohen's examination of the 1929 Arab-Jewish conflict in Palestine, he challenges the traditional Zionist narrative by portraying the attacks on Jew...
Yuval Noah Harari, a Hebrew University professor, has gained worldwide fame for his book "Sapiens," which traces the history of humankind with a focus on cog...
Michael Oren, a former Israeli ambassador to the United States, found himself embroiled in controversy over a reported incident involving a Christmas ham, sh...
The discussed texts delve into the historical pursuit of Jewish nationalism and identity across Europe and the United States before the establishment of Isra...
The author reflects on a conversation about philosopher Leo Strauss and his idea of esoteric writing, where authors hide true meanings to protect themselves ...
The text discusses the evolving international perception of Israel post-1967, attributing the shift to various factors such as the revolutionary left's suppo...
Nathan Birnbaum, often forgotten in the history of Zionism, played a significant role in the early movement. Despite initial tension with Theodor Herzl, Birn...
During World War I, a significant number of Jews served in various armies, leading to instances of Jews fighting against fellow Jews. The story of a soldier ...