Allan M. Jalon

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Forward A dream of a utopian Black-Jewish music collaboration is going forward — even after the war in Gaza complicated it 5 Jun
In an effort to counter American bigotry against Blacks and Jews, saxophonist Matthew Levy envisioned the Generate Music project, aiming to bring together Bl...
5 Jun
Forward How Franz Kafka can help us understand the history of segregation in America 28 May
Stanley Corngold, a Princeton scholar of German literature, formed an unexpected friendship with Jack Greenberg, a Columbia law professor involved in the lan...
28 May
Forward He was the heir apparent to Franz Kafka and Ralph Ellison and pioneered the idea of 'wokeness' — how did he just disappear? 12 Mar
Barry Beckham, a writer influenced by Franz Kafka and Ralph Ellison, authored "Runner Mack," considered the first African-American baseball novel, blending t...
12 Mar
Forward How Arnold Schoenberg leapt into the future and created a new musical form 2 Feb
The upcoming performance of Arnold Schoenberg's song cycle, "15 Poems from the Book of the Hanging Garden," highlights the composer's innovation and emotiona...
2 Feb
Tablet Activists Who Burgled FBI in 1971—Led by a Jewish Physicist—Finally Out Themselves 7 Jan 2014
In 1971, a group of activists burgled an FBI office in Media, Pennsylvania, stealing classified documents that exposed the COINTELPRO surveillance program ta...
7 Jan 2014