A Jewish family and museum are honoring the German artist Kaethe Kollwitz, known for her powerful prints and drawings depicting revolution, war, and the suff...
In an effort to counter American bigotry against Blacks and Jews, saxophonist Matthew Levy envisioned the Generate Music project, aiming to bring together Bl...
Stanley Corngold, a Princeton scholar of German literature, formed an unexpected friendship with Jack Greenberg, a Columbia law professor involved in the lan...
Barry Beckham, a writer influenced by Franz Kafka and Ralph Ellison, authored "Runner Mack," considered the first African-American baseball novel, blending t...
The upcoming performance of Arnold Schoenberg's song cycle, "15 Poems from the Book of the Hanging Garden," highlights the composer's innovation and emotiona...
In 1971, a group of activists burgled an FBI office in Media, Pennsylvania, stealing classified documents that exposed the COINTELPRO surveillance program ta...