Allison Hoffman

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Tablet New York’s New Firebrand Rabbi 3 May 2013
Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum of Congregation Beit Simchat Torah, the country's largest gay synagogue, celebrated her 20th anniversary with a Hanukkah event attende...
3 May 2013
Tablet The New ‘Morethodox’ Rabbi 29 Apr 2013
Avi Weiss, a prominent Orthodox rabbi known for his revolutionary activism, broke away from Yeshiva University in 1999 to establish Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, ...
29 Apr 2013
Tablet Holiday Haircuts Give Hope 26 Apr 2013
Observant Jews celebrating Lag b'Omer traditionally mark the day with haircuts, symbolizing hope and an end to a period of mourning after Passover. Some are ...
26 Apr 2013
Tablet ‘It’s Quiet Here’ 19 Apr 2013
Author Anita Diamant, under lockdown in Newton near Boston following the bombings at the Boston Marathon, describes the eerie quiet amid a citywide manhunt f...
19 Apr 2013
Tablet Sundown: Boston Shuls Cancel Shabbat Services 19 Apr 2013
Boston synagogues have canceled Shabbat services due to the ongoing manhunt for the suspect in the Boston Marathon attacks, while the suspects family members...
19 Apr 2013
Tablet Daybreak: Boston on Lockdown 19 Apr 2013
Boston and surrounding areas are under lockdown as authorities search for the second of two Chechen brothers suspected of the Boston Marathon bombings. The o...
19 Apr 2013
Tablet Daybreak: Obama Failing on Iran, Israel, Guns 18 Apr 2013
A group of former Obama administration foreign policy experts criticized the White House's Iran strategy, cautioning that it may unintentionally strengthen I...
18 Apr 2013
Tablet Dennis Johnson Says It’s OK If People ‘Try To Jew Me Down’ 18 Apr 2013
Oklahoma state representative Dennis Johnson used the anti-Semitic phrase "try to Jew me down" during a debate on price controls in the state's House of Repr...
18 Apr 2013
Tablet Sundown: ‘We Will Keep Going’ 18 Apr 2013
President Obama reassured resilience in the face of adversity at a Boston Marathon bombing memorial. The Anti-Defamation League highlighted the resurgence of...
18 Apr 2013
Tablet Sundown: Boston Suspect Caught on Camera 17 Apr 2013
Multiple news organizations falsely reported the arrest of a Boston bombing suspect, although images of a potential suspect were found on surveillance video ...
17 Apr 2013