"The Lost World of The Shochet" explores the memoir "Der Shochet" by Pinkhes-Dov Goldenshteyn, offering a glimpse into 19th-century Ukraine and Crimea throug...
The author reflects on their experiences attending funerals with their father in the 1970s in the Bronx, where they observed a sense of Jewish identity and c...
The author reflects on the recent rise of antisemitism and the call among some Jews to arm themselves for self-defense. The author recalls the Jewish Defense...
The author reflects on the current state of danger and suffering for both Israel and Jews worldwide, and the necessity of special prayers during such times. ...
The author reflects on his experience of studying Talmud and the pursuit of understanding its intricacies. He describes the efforts of his friend Chaim, a kn...
The author reflects on the funeral of his uncle, who served in World War II and was honored for his military service. The author explores the complex relatio...
In this personal essay, the author reflects on his relationship with his mother and the significance of Mother's Day. He shares a story about his father, who...
The author recounts his experience of observing Shabbat while on vacation in Florida. Despite the long walk to the local synagogue, he finds joy and contentm...
Abraham Joshua Heschel, a renowned Jewish theologian, had a casual family visit with the author's parents in 1959. Despite his fame as a writer and thinker, ...
The author reflects on various moments of conversion in their life, ranging from religious conversions to conversions in beliefs and interests. They recount ...