Amidst a contentious election season marked by polarization within her own family, Amy Klein delves into the complexities facing undecided Jewish voters. His...
In "Long Island Compromise" by Taffy Brodesser-Akner, the story focuses on the Fletcher family, a wealthy Jewish American family in a fictional Long Island s...
The article discusses the recent condemnation of in vitro fertilization (IVF) by the Southern Baptist Convention and its implications for reproductive rights...
"The Goddess of Warsaw" by Lisa Barr is a captivating work of historical fiction following the story of Lena Browning, a Hollywood star with a past as Bina B...
Comedian Judy Gold, in a recent interview, reflects on the rise of antisemitism and the importance of defending Israel in the entertainment industry. She cri...
Yagel Oshri, an Israeli TikToker, created a song called "Getting Over Depression" two years ago to uplift his friend who was going through a tough time. The ...