Andrew N. Koss

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Jewish Review of Books Emancipation Terminable and Interminable 3 Jan 2021
"Emancipation Terminable and Interminable" by David Sorkin explores the history of Jewish emancipation from the 16th to the 20th century. The author challeng...
3 Jan 2021
Jewish Review of Books The Modern Crisis of Moral Thought: An Exchange 7 Jan 2018
Abraham Socher's examination of Aristotle's akrasia and Maimonides's teshuvah in a 2017 article led to a discussion on true repentance. In response, Andrew N...
7 Jan 2018
Jewish Review of Books “The Point of Free Will”: A Response to Abraham Socher 7 Jan 2018
Abraham Socher's essay "Is Repentance Possible?" discusses the debate on morality between Aristotelian virtue ethics and the Judeo-Christian obedience to law...
7 Jan 2018