Annette Gendler

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Tablet A Friend in Prison 2 Apr 2020
A woman reconnects with a friend who is in prison for money laundering and becomes her pen pal, navigating the restrictions and rules of the prison system wh...
2 Apr 2020
Tablet Kol Nidre Showed Me What It Means To Truly Belong in the Jewish Community 12 Sep 2013
The author reflects on their deep emotional connection to Yom Kippur, particularly through the Kol Nidre prayer, which symbolizes a sense of belonging in the...
12 Sep 2013
Tablet Giving Up Christmas as a Convert to Judaism 19 Dec 2012
The author, a convert to Judaism, reflects on giving up Christmas and embracing Hanukkah instead. They describe childhood memories of Christmas in Germany, d...
19 Dec 2012