Aparna Gopalan

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Jewish Currents What the UAW Ceded in Endorsing Biden - Union leaders have not only betrayed their ceasefire call, but also backtracked on their fight to redefine the labor movement as a truly political force. 2 Feb
The United Auto Workers (UAW) endorsed President Joe Biden for re-election despite previously calling for a permanent ceasefire in Israel/Palestine. This dec...
2 Feb
Jewish Currents The Hindu Nationalists Using the Pro-Israel Playbook - Inspired by Jewish groups that cast criticism of Israel as antisemitism, Hindu American organizations are advancing a concept of “Hinduphobia” that puts India beyond reproach. 28 Jun 2023
Hindu American organizations are taking inspiration from Jewish groups to combat criticism of India. They are framing criticism as Hinduphobia and using tact...
28 Jun 2023
Jewish Currents The US Rolls Out the Red Carpet for Modi - In pursuing a strategic alliance with India’s Hindu nationalist prime minister, Biden has betrayed his promises to uphold human rights. 22 Jun 2023
US President Joe Biden's warm reception of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his recent state visit has drawn criticism from human rights advocates....
22 Jun 2023