Ari Hoffman

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Tablet High and Low Israel Criticism 7 Jun 2022
The article discusses two recent books about Israel that represent contrasting perspectives. Omri Boehm's "Haifa Republic" argues that Israel is a failed sta...
7 Jun 2022
Lehrhaus We Are All Ozickians Now 20 Aug 2018
This article discusses the importance of Cynthia Ozick as a significant Jewish writer who has been overlooked in comparison to Philip Roth. It emphasizes tha...
20 Aug 2018
Lehrhaus Goodbye, Philip: A Hesped 28 May 2018
Philip Roth, a groundbreaking Jewish American writer, challenged and shaped the landscape of American Jewry through his controversial and thought-provoking n...
28 May 2018
Lehrhaus Chabon, Safran Foer, and the Great Jewish American Novel 15 May 2017
In "Chabon, Safran Foer, and the Great Jewish American Novel," the discussion focuses on the literary works of Jonathan Safran Foer and Michael Chabon, parti...
15 May 2017
Tablet My Favorite Anti-Semite: An American Jewish Reflection on Ty Cobb for Opening Day 28 Mar 2014
The article explores the duality of Ty Cobb, a legendary baseball player, and an anti-Semite. While Cobb was a supremely talented athlete, holding numerous r...
28 Mar 2014