Armin Rosen

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Tablet The DEI Complex Will Never Protect Jews 25 Oct 2023
The author argues that the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) complex in American higher education fails to protect Jewish students during times of crisi...
25 Oct 2023
Tablet Why a Nice Girl Vandalizes Israeli Hostage Rescue Posters 20 Oct 2023
A New York University student, Yazmeen Deyhimi, who was caught on video vandalizing posters depicting Israeli hostage victims, had a history of volunteering ...
20 Oct 2023
Tablet How Hamas Fooled the Experts 12 Oct 2023
For years, experts in Washington and Jerusalem saw Hamas as a pragmatic political operator, despite its extreme rhetoric and violent actions. This view has b...
12 Oct 2023
Tablet Hamas Takes ‘Dozens’ of Americans Hostage in Gaza 10 Oct 2023
Hamas has taken dozens of American hostages in Gaza, marking the largest mass abduction of Americans since 1979. The hostages are being used as human shields...
10 Oct 2023
Tablet Qatar’s World Cup FIFA Bribe Documents Exposed 29 Aug 2023
Documents submitted to a federal court lawsuit reveal that Qatar made substantial bribes to FIFA committee members in order to secure the hosting rights for ...
29 Aug 2023
Tablet The Silk Road 28 Aug 2023
Mitchell Silk, a Nadvorna Hasid, is a unique figure in both the Orthodox Jewish and political spheres. Silk was the first Hasidic Jew to hold a Senate-confir...
28 Aug 2023
Tablet Putin’s Aliyah Is in Danger 21 Aug 2023
Israel's relationship with Russia has been fragile, but the invasion of Ukraine by Vladimir Putin has made it even more complicated. The United States pressu...
21 Aug 2023
Tablet It’s Bad to Be a Sheep 1 Aug 2023
The text explores the similarities between the Jewish and Armenian experiences and their struggles for survival. It discusses how both Israel and Armenia hav...
1 Aug 2023
Tablet Dissent in the Reform Ranks 28 Jun 2023
The Re-Charging Reform Judaism conference held at Stephen Wise Free Synagogue discussed internal divisions and concerns within the Reform movement. Keynote s...
28 Jun 2023
Tablet The Biden Administration’s Antisemitism Statement Gets Worse 27 Jun 2023
The Biden administration released its first-ever national strategy to counter antisemitism, which aimed to protect Jewish citizens. However, there was contro...
27 Jun 2023