Ashton Macklin

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New Voices A Seder for Two: Me and Elijah 21 Apr
Ashton Macklin, a Jewish Media Fellow, has crafted a thought-provoking Passover resource titled "A Seder for Two: Me and Elijah." Highlighting the evolving n...
21 Apr
New Voices L’dor V’dor: The Resilience of Ethiopian Jewish Practice 21 Feb
The text explores the resilience of Ethiopian Jewish practice, highlighting the return to roots and demands of the younger generation, the mythologization of...
21 Feb
New Voices L’Dor V’Dor: The Resilience of Ethiopian Jewish Practice 21 Feb
The article discusses the resilience of Ethiopian Jewish practices, highlighting how the community maintains its identity and religious traditions despite ch...
21 Feb
New Voices Priestly Blessing (Birkat Kohanim): A Vector Collage 10 Nov 2023
The article discusses a vector collage artwork that synthesizes thoughts from three podcasts on Judaism Unbound. The collage explores themes of human relatio...
10 Nov 2023