Aton Holzer's article explores the Hasmonean admiration for the Roman Republic as depicted in I Maccabees, where Judas Maccabee sought an alliance with Rome....
The article explores the philosophical dilemma of free will versus determinism in the context of Yom Kippur, emphasizing how this tension influences Jewish t...
The text discusses the reading and interpretation of the haftarah portions from the book of Isaiah in Orthodox Jewish tradition, specifically focusing on the...
This article explores the absence of a tractate dedicated to the festival of Hanukkah in classical rabbinic literature. While references to Hanukkah can be f...
The essay explores the theme of existentialism and nihilism in Jewish liturgy, particularly in the context of Yom Kippur. It examines the idea of being and e...
The sounding of the shofar in Jewish tradition is a perplexing practice with no given meaning in the Torah. The Talmud explores the unknowability of the mind...
This article explores the concept of freedom and its different meanings in Judaism, particularly within the context of Passover. It highlights that Hebrew ha...
The discussion centers around the rabbinic mitzvot of Purim, particularly the practices of mishloah manot (sending portions) and matanot la-evyonim (alms for...