Avi Shafran

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Ami AOC–Too Zionist for Some // The progressive movement eats its own 24 Jul
The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), once a supporter of Israel, now takes a considerably less supportive stance, endorsing BDS and criticizing Israel...
24 Jul
Ami The Mind-to-Mouth Miracle // Cognition problems aren’t always what they seem 17 Jul
The article explores the complexity of cognitive deficits and challenges the common narrative around President Biden's mental acuity. The author highlights t...
17 Jul
Ami Decolonization Nation // Members of some other tribes offer insight 10 Jul
While some Native Americans compare Israel to a colonial power, indigenous groups like Indigenous Embassy Jerusalem and the Indigenous Coalition For Israel s...
10 Jul
Ami What We Talk About When We Talk About the Holocaust // Both dachshunds and Great Danes are canines 2 Jul
Hebrew University professor Jonathan Dekel-Chen criticizes the use of terms like genocide and references to Nazis and the Holocaust when discussing Hamas, po...
2 Jul
Ami Foodless in Gaza? // Two recent studies explode a myth 26 Jun
Recent studies have debunked the myth of widespread malnutrition in Gaza, showcasing that aid deliveries meet international nutritional standards and provide...
26 Jun
Ami Saying the Loud Part Out Loud // Justice Alito is “caught” being a conservative 19 Jun
During a secretly recorded conversation at a Supreme Court dinner, Justice Samuel Alito expressed his personal views as a conservative Catholic, affirming th...
19 Jun
Ami ANC R.I.P.? // Are racism and anti-Israelism on the wane in South Africa? 10 Jun
The article discusses the current state of racism and anti-Israel sentiment in South Africa, particularly within the ruling African National Congress (ANC) p...
10 Jun
Ami Contextualizing the Holocaust // Public school kids need a broader perspective 5 Jun
The text discusses the importance of Holocaust education in the United States, highlighting the lack of knowledge among Americans regarding the Holocaust. It...
5 Jun
Ami Hamas’ Past… and Plans // The New York Times Publishes Something Important 29 May
The article discusses the oppressive rule of Hamas in Gaza as highlighted in a New York Times report based on internal Hamas documents found by Israeli force...
29 May
Ami Bombs Away // Is the president Israel’s friend or foe? 22 May
President Biden's recent actions regarding arms sales to Israel have raised questions about his stance on the country's defense. Despite pausing a bomb shipm...
22 May