Avital Chizhik

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Tablet A Holy Fool 15 Jul 2016
A father, Yosef Steinberg, grapples with his daughter's shift towards ultra-Orthodox values and away from secular literature, reflecting on his own backgroun...
15 Jul 2016
Tablet Jewish Voices From the Front Lines of Donetsk 19 Jun 2014
In Donetsk, a once bustling industrial city, the ongoing conflict between pro-Russian and Ukrainian forces has turned the city into a place of fear and uncer...
19 Jun 2014
Tablet Putin Refuses To Let the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Library Leave Moscow 30 Sep 2013
A property dispute over a valuable library of religious books owned by the Lubavitcher Rebbe has led to tensions between Russian officials and Chabad represe...
30 Sep 2013
Tablet Passover’s Perennial No-Show 3 Apr 2012
The text reflects a young woman's experience during Passover, where expectations of the Messiah's arrival were heightened due to world events and family disc...
3 Apr 2012
Tablet Tights Squeeze 14 Mar 2012
The text explores the complexities of Orthodox Jewish culture, particularly focusing on the pressures and expectations surrounding modesty. It delves into th...
14 Mar 2012