Aviva Engel

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Jewish Action Shtadlanim: Rabbi Herman Naftali Neuberger (1918-2005) 11 Nov 2021
Rabbi Herman Naftali Neuberger, a German Jewish refugee who escaped to the US in 1938, played a significant role in saving and supporting the Persian Jewish ...
11 Nov 2021
Jewish Action Making Aliyah in the Midst of a Pandemic 18 Aug 2021
This article features two families who made Aliyah (immigrated to Israel) during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Rosenblatt family, originally from Montreal, are ...
18 Aug 2021
Jewish Action Online Tool Helps Families Plan for Aliyah Success 18 Aug 2021
A new online resource called the Aliyah Risk Calculator helps families planning to make aliyah (immigrate to Israel) assess their chances of success. Develop...
18 Aug 2021
Jewish Action If You Will It, It Is Not A Dream 18 Aug 2021
Financial consultants Rifka Lebowitz and Baruch Labinsky discuss the financial aspects of living in Israel for olim (immigrants). Lebowitz highlights the imp...
18 Aug 2021
Jewish Action Thinking of Aliyah? Tips from Israeli Financial Experts 18 Aug 2021
Israeli financial experts, Rifka Lebowitz and Baruch Labinsky, offer tips for individuals considering aliyah (immigration) to Israel. They advise adjusting e...
18 Aug 2021