Baruch Sterman

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Jewish Review of Books He Shall Not Press His Fellow 29 Dec 2021
The author shares their personal experience of going into debt during the 2008 financial crisis and being unable to repay it. They draw a parallel to the bib...
29 Dec 2021
Lehrhaus Rav Nachum Rabinovitch and the Art of Ancient Dyeing 12 Nov 2020
The article discusses the rediscovery of the process of manufacturing tekhelet, the sky-blue wool mentioned in the Bible, by Israeli researchers. The dye was...
12 Nov 2020
Lehrhaus Parshat Ki Tavo: The Curse of the Law 3 Sep 2020
In this article, the author recounts a conversation he had with a missionary who argued that the curse of the law in Judaism prevents salvation. The missiona...
3 Sep 2020