Bayla Sheva Brenner

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Jewish Action Bringing God into the Classroom 20 Jun 2019
Rebbetzin Leah Kohn developed the Kivun curriculum to address the lack of deep discussion around Jewish philosophical topics in high schools. The two-year pr...
20 Jun 2019
Jewish Action Healing a Wounded Covenant: Children of Holocaust Survivors Reclaim their Heritage 2 Apr 2013
The text delves into the experiences of second-generation Holocaust survivors, referred to as 2Gs, who have grappled with their parents' trauma and the impac...
2 Apr 2013
Jewish Action Logging on to Judaism: A Convert Retrieves Her Soul from Cyberspace 22 May 2006
Shoshana Zakar, a convert to Judaism, discovered through an online Jewish discussion group that her initial conversion wasn't recognized. Raised in a secular...
22 May 2006
Jewish Action Finding Mount Sinai in Montana 20 May 2006
Devorah and Gavriel Snyder, a unique Orthodox Jewish couple living in remote Kila, Montana, offer kosher food and Shabbat hospitality in their self-built hom...
20 May 2006