Ben Birnbaum

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Tablet Soldier Boy 11 Nov 2021
This text tells the story of Albert Birnbaum, a Jewish soldier who died during World War II. Albert served in the 9th Army and died on June 26, 1944, during ...
11 Nov 2021
Jewish Review of Books The Novelist and the Physicist 27 Feb 2013
Herman Wouk, a prolific and popular author, has published a new book called "The Language God Talks" where he explores the relationship between religious fai...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Posthumous Prophecy 27 Feb 2013
"The Prophet's Wife" is a review of Milton Steinberg's works, particularly focusing on his novel "As a Driven Leaf" and his unfinished manuscript "The Prophe...
27 Feb 2013