This article discusses the unique nature of Hanukkah as a Jewish holiday that lacks a preparatory period or ritual. Unlike other Jewish holidays, such as Pur...
In kabbalistic and Hasidic thought, each of the forefathers is associated with a defining characteristic - Avraham with kindness (hesed), Yitzhak with streng...
The essay explores the placement of the laws of mourning (aveilut) within Jewish Halakhah. While medieval Jewish scholars struggled to find a suitable catego...
The author suggests that the traditional customs of Sefirah, the period between Pesach and Shavuot, are not about mourning Rabbi Akiva's 24,000 students who ...
The author explores the parallel narratives of the Splitting of the Sea and the rescue of baby Moses from the river. Both stories involve the Israelites find...
In this article, the author explains that God is not angry with Sarah when she laughs at the idea of giving birth at an old age, as mentioned in Genesis 18:1...
The author, Ben Greenfeld, has created a ritual called Seder ha-Levayah le-Yom Ha-Shoah (A Yom HaShoah Funeral Service) to provide a more meaningful and part...
The text discusses the anonymity and lack of names in the Book of Exodus (Shemot), particularly focusing on the character of Moses. His parentage remains und...