Paul Mendes-Flohr, a renowned scholar of Jewish philosophy and a leading authority on Martin Buber, passed away at 83. Raised in Brooklyn amid humble beginni...
Deborah E. Lipstadt's biography of Golda Meir portrays a life marked by accomplishments and guilt for not doing more to save Holocaust victims. Meir, born in...
George Lichtheim, a Jewish German immigrant to Jerusalem during World War II, was a writer and journalist who gained knowledge from his weekly meetings with ...
In this interview, philosopher Martha C. Nussbaum discusses her perspectives on Reform Judaism, emphasizing its evolution towards inclusivity, particularly i...
The book "Graven Images" explores the drawings and sketches of the famous writer Franz Kafka, which were previously overlooked and undiscovered. The book rev...
The text discusses the correspondence between Theodor W. Adorno and Gershom Scholem, two prominent Jewish intellectuals of the 20th century. Though they init...
The article discusses a recently discovered short story by the Polish Jewish writer Bruno Schulz, titled "Undula." The story, published in 1922 under a pseud...
H. G. Adler, a survivor of Theresienstadt and Auschwitz, was a prominent yet underrecognized figure in Holocaust literature. Born in Prague, Adler's associat...
Eva Hoffe, who recently passed away at 84, was involved in a high-profile legal battle in Israel over Franz Kafka's manuscripts. The case involved a debate o...
Romain Gary, a Lithuanian Jew who considered himself a quintessential Frenchman, led a remarkable life filled with self-invention and multiple personas. From...