Joseph Conrad, renowned for works like ‘Heart of Darkness,’ presents a complex figure, especially regarding his views on Jews. Born in Berdychiv, a primarily...
Quincy Jones, who passed away at the age of 91, made a significant impact on film music with his score for Sidney Lumet's 1964 film "The Pawnbroker," a groun...
Benjamin Ivry critiques the misguided attempts of certain right-wing comedians to emulate the art of Jewish insult comedy, famously practiced by Don Rickles ...
The article explores the complex cultural ties between Jewish music traditions and the accordion, an instrument often associated with both sorrow and celebra...
The article provides a nuanced reflection on Jimmy Carter's complex and controversial legacy in relation to Jewish communities and Israel, as he celebrates h...
Lauren Bacall, born Betty Joan Perske, faced significant antisemitism throughout her Hollywood career, compelling her to modify her name for professional acc...
James Earl Jones, the legendary actor known for his iconic voice, was not only a cinematic icon but also a steadfast ally to the Jewish community. His involv...
In the late 19th century, a German settlement called Nueva Germania was established in Paraguay by Bernhard Förster and his wife, Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche...
In "How the West Became Antisemitic" by scholar Ivan Marcus, the history of antisemitism is traced back to provocative verbal attacks by historical Jewish au...
Ruth Westheimer, known as a Lion of Judah and a prominent sexologist, passed away at 96. Despite facing tragedies as a German Jew during the Holocaust, she f...