Seth Meyers delves into his connection to Judaism in his new comedy special, 'Dad Man Walking,' aired on Max. Although not Jewish by faith, Meyers discovered...
The latest episode of Marvel's 'Agatha All Along' uniquely features a bar mitzvah scene, showcasing the character William Kaplan. The show's producers endeav...
Doug Emhoff, the husband of Vice President Kamala Harris, fondly reminisces about his 1977 joint bar mitzvah with Scott Bermack at Temple Shalom in New Jerse...
The article discusses the depiction of Donald Trump's office in the film "The Apprentice," highlighting a Hebrew plaque awarded to him by the Jewish National...
Benyamin Cohen explores the humorous yet thought-provoking idea of ancient Jewish influence on weather patterns, starting with Noah's long-standing weather "...
As Hurricane Milton barrels toward the west coast of Florida, many Jewish families and communities are being forced to evacuate and rethink their plans for Y...
A recent report by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) reveals a staggering increase in antisemitic incidents in the U.S., reaching over 10,000 occurrences sinc...
The oral history captures the poignant experiences of five American Jews on October 7, 2023, a day marked by a horrifying Hamas terrorist attack in Israel th...
Benyamin Cohen reflects on Jimmy Carter's hundredth birthday by providing a whimsical comparison to the longevity of biblical figures, like Methuselah, who s...
In Netflix's series 'Nobody Wants This,' Kristen Bell stars as a sex podcaster dating a rabbi, played by Adam Brody, an intriguing premise that mirrors real-...