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Beth Harpaz

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Forward J Street threatens to pull support for Israel military campaign if government does not change ‘conduct and attitudes’ 7 Dec 2023
Progressive Jewish organization J Street has threatened to withdraw its support for Israel's military campaign in Gaza unless meaningful changes are made to ...
7 Dec 2023
Forward ‘Schools I don’t want my kid to set foot on’: For some Jewish families, Oct. 7 upended the college application process 7 Dec 2023
The college application process has become more complicated for Jewish students since the recent Israel-Gaza conflict. Many students are reconsidering their ...
7 Dec 2023
Forward UCLA newspaper fires Jewish student reporter who spoke at pro-Palestinian rally 5 Dec 2023
The Daily Bruin, a student newspaper at the University of California, Los Angeles, has fired a Jewish student reporter, Eli Nachimson, after they spoke at a ...
5 Dec 2023
Forward NYU Law students remove bar association president who blamed Israel for Hamas attack 28 Nov 2023
Students at NYU Law School have voted to remove the president of the student bar association, Ryna Workman, after Workman wrote a column blaming Israel for H...
28 Nov 2023
Forward ‘We won’t be intimidated,’ rabbi says after Molotov cocktail thrown at Montreal JCC 27 Nov 2023
A Molotov cocktail was thrown at the Montreal Jewish Community Center following a meeting to discuss increased security at Jewish institutions. Thankfully, t...
27 Nov 2023
Forward Jewish scholars ask Pope Francis and Catholic Church to condemn Hamas and affirm Israel’s right to self-defense 14 Nov 2023
A group of Jewish scholars and religious leaders have written an open letter to Pope Francis and the Catholic Church, asking them to condemn Hamas and affirm...
14 Nov 2023
Forward ‘Journalism is not a crime’: Pulitzer and MacArthur winner Lynsey Addario on war photography 14 Nov 2023
Lynsey Addario, an acclaimed photojournalist, discusses her role in documenting conflicts and crises around the world. She emphasizes the importance of provi...
14 Nov 2023
Forward News outlets deny watchdog's allegations that they were tipped to Hamas attacks 9 Nov 2023
The Israeli government has accused Gaza-based photojournalists who work for major international news organizations of being complicit in the Hamas terror att...
9 Nov 2023
Forward Hillel chapter says Sarah Lawrence College is violating Jewish students’ civil rights 2 Nov 2023
A Hillel chapter in Westchester, New York is accusing Sarah Lawrence College of violating Jewish students' civil rights by not addressing persistent antisemi...
2 Nov 2023
Forward Cornell engineering student charged in court in threats against Jewish students 1 Nov 2023
Patrick Dai, a 21-year-old Cornell University engineering student, has been charged with making violent threats against Jewish students. The threats, which i...
1 Nov 2023