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Beth Harpaz

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Forward This city wants to make antisemitic flyers illegal as ‘hate litter’ 11 Sep 2023
San Diego City Councilmember Raul Campillo is proposing a law to make hate litter, specifically antisemitic flyers, illegal after several incidents of such f...
11 Sep 2023
Forward A Florida JCC canceled a Jewish author’s talk because her novel mentions slavery 5 Sep 2023
A Jewish author, Rachel Beanland, had her talk at a Florida JCC canceled because her book, "The House Is On Fire," mentions slavery. The JCC cited "complicat...
5 Sep 2023
Forward An anti-ADL campaign is erupting on Twitter and Elon Musk endorsed it 1 Sep 2023
Elon Musk recently endorsed an anti-ADL campaign on Twitter, using the hashtag #BantheADL. The campaign, initiated by far-right activist Keith OBrien, accuse...
1 Sep 2023
Forward Why all the bagel talk at the US Open? Here's why they use 'bagels' to keep score in tennis 29 Aug 2023
The term "bagel" is commonly used in tennis to describe a set where one player scores no points, winning with a score of 6-0. The term originated from Jewish...
29 Aug 2023
Forward Bintel Brief | His mother died and I never called. Can I fix this? 28 Aug 2023
In this "Bintel Brief" article from The Forward, a reader writes in seeking advice on how to make amends with a friend they hadn't reached out to after the f...
28 Aug 2023
Forward Bintel Brief | I don’t observe Yom Kippur. Can I still take off class? 28 Aug 2023
A Jew who is not observant wonders if it is acceptable to take off classes for Yom Kippur, despite not being religiously committed. The person's roommate, wh...
28 Aug 2023
Forward I’m angry at my dad for supporting Trump. Do I need to forgive him for Yom Kippur? 28 Aug 2023
In this Forward article, the author responds to a reader's dilemma about whether they should forgive their father, who supports Trump, before Yom Kippur. The...
28 Aug 2023
Forward Alan Dershowitz helps out with a High Holiday dilemma 28 Aug 2023
In this article, a law professor writes to Alan Dershowitz seeking advice on whether to cancel a class on Rosh Hashanah. The professor, who is Jewish but not...
28 Aug 2023
Forward Legacy Bintel: I love traditional services, but my wife wants Rosh Hashanah in mixed seating. Where do we pray? 28 Aug 2023
The Bintel letter from 1975 and its response address a couple's disagreement over where to pray for Rosh Hashanah. The husband is a member of an Orthodox syn...
28 Aug 2023
Forward I feel so disconnected from Jewish life. Help me find the right community 24 Aug 2023
In this article, the author addresses the common struggle of feeling disconnected from Jewish life and offers advice on how to find the right Jewish communit...
24 Aug 2023