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Beth Harpaz

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Forward Brandeis University's 'anything but Orthodox' ad generates controversy 26 Jun 2023
Brandeis University is facing controversy over a new ad that has ruffled some feathers in the Orthodox Jewish community. The ad, which appeared in the New Yo...
26 Jun 2023
Forward Can I be both religious and 'slutty'? 22 Jun 2023
The letter writer, a Reform Jewish teenager, is grappling with the question of whether they can be both religious and engage in behaviors they describe as "s...
22 Jun 2023
Forward George Santos says he’s ‘speechless and appalled’ by antisemitic flyers in his district 14 Jun 2023
Congressman George Santos, a New York Republican, denounced antisemitic flyers distributed in his district, expressing shock and dismay. The flyers, which we...
14 Jun 2023
Forward As a rabbi, he helped others mourn. So why wouldn't his daughter say kaddish for him? 13 Jun 2023
In this personal essay, the author reflects on her experience of mourning her father, who was a prominent rabbi. Despite growing up in a religious Jewish hom...
13 Jun 2023
Forward I'm retired and I don't drive. How do I fill and face the days ahead? 8 Jun 2023
The article provides a list of 18 ideas for how to handle retirement without driving. Suggestions include joining or starting a book club, reconnecting with ...
8 Jun 2023
Forward Celebrate Israel parade generates controversy over participation of Israeli officials 2 Jun 2023
The Celebrate Israel parade in New York sparked controversy due to the planned participation of Israeli officials from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's go...
2 Jun 2023
Forward How do I get my control-freak husband to back off? 1 Jun 2023
The Bintel Brief column in The Forward addresses a reader's dilemma about dealing with a control-freak husband who constantly offers advice and insists on ha...
1 Jun 2023
Forward Why I bought a headstone for a Holocaust survivor I never knew 26 May 2023
In this personal essay, the author recounts their journey to buy a headstone for a Holocaust survivor named Josef Hamerman. The author's mother had tried to ...
26 May 2023
Forward My kid's being bullied, antisemitism is involved and the school won't help. What do I do? 25 May 2023
A desperate mom writes to Bintel, a column in The Forward, seeking advice on dealing with severe bullying at her daughter's elementary school, which includes...
25 May 2023
Forward I sat shiva for my sister because she hates Israel. Should I bother reconciling? 18 May 2023
The writer of the letter is estranged from their sister because of her views on Israel, which the writer considers antisemitic. The writer sat shiva for thei...
18 May 2023