Rebecca Cielinski, after being sidelined by a foot injury, decided to create a horror movie featuring her grandmother, Iris Wachs, portraying her in a dark a...
Hostage families of Americans held by Hamas are adamantly against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's upcoming speech to Congress in Washington, dema...
Fredericka Mandelbaum, a German Jewish immigrant, transformed herself from a lace peddler to America's first major organized crime boss, overseeing a lucrati...
Keir Starmer, the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, who is not Jewish but has a Jewish wife and practices certain Jewish traditions, including observ...
The article discusses the hot dog traditions surrounding the July 4th Nathan's Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest, particularly focusing on Joey Chestnut's endors...
Devorah Halberstam, whose son Ari was tragically murdered in 1994 on the Brooklyn Bridge, continues to seek justice and closure for her son's case, believing...
During World War II, Gilberto Bosques, as head of the Mexican Consulate in France, played a crucial role in helping leftists and Jews escape persecution by i...
The article discusses the debate surrounding the banning of masks at demonstrations, particularly in the context of recent protests, like those related to th...
Claudia Sheinbaum, a Jewish woman, recently won the Mexican presidential election based on her left-wing politics rather than her religious identity. Mexican...
In the 1940s, amid World War II, the Yiddish Scientific Institute (YIVO) in New York planned a Museum of the Homes of the Past to depict prewar Jewish life i...