C. A. Blomquist

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Tablet A Jew by Rosh Hashanah 23 Sep 2014
The author reflects on their conversion to Judaism and the significance of the High Holy Days since their mikvah immersion five years ago. They recount a piv...
23 Sep 2014
Tablet A Convert’s Bible Stories: How a Christian Book Introduced Me to Ruth and David 23 May 2012
Before converting to Judaism, the author found resonance with Jewish texts through a Christian children's Bible. Despite a Lutheran upbringing, the Old Testa...
23 May 2012
Tablet Mourning My Mother, Finally 8 May 2012
The author recalls the tragic suicide of their mother on Mother's Day in 1972, and the subsequent emotional journey of avoidance and self-reliance that follo...
8 May 2012
Tablet Taking the Plunge 14 Sep 2009
The author shares their journey of conversion to Judaism, which was sparked by a desire since their early teens but was suppressed due to societal expectatio...
14 Sep 2009