Camillo Barone

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Forward Photo of body of woman killed by Hamas wins prize and sparks controversy 29 Mar
A photo of Hamas militants transporting the body of a German-Israeli woman, Shani Louk, into Gaza has won an award, sparking controversy over its portrayal o...
29 Mar
Forward Foundation to give award named for Ruth Bader Ginsburg to Elon Musk, Rupert Murdoch 15 Mar
The Dwight D. Opperman Foundation plans to award the Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Leadership Award to Elon Musk, Rupert Murdoch, and others, leading to object...
15 Mar
Forward Columbia University mulling reinstating student groups critical of Israel 14 Mar
Columbia University is contemplating reinstating its chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace, which were suspended in Novemb...
14 Mar
Forward NJ school district retracts email encouraging staff to teach about Ramadan in context of Israeli ‘genocide’ of Palestinians 12 Mar
A New Jersey school district retracted an email instructing staff to link lessons about Ramadan with Israel's alleged prevention of Palestinian Muslims from ...
12 Mar
Forward In the wake of an antisemitism lawsuit, Barnard bans messaging on dorm doors 29 Feb
Barnard College has implemented a ban on messaging on dorm doors following a lawsuit over antisemitism. The decision comes amidst tensions related to the Isr...
29 Feb
Forward African Methodist Episcopal Church calls for end to all US aid to Israel 16 Feb
Leaders of the African Methodist Episcopal Church have condemned Israel's military campaign in Gaza as a mass genocide and urged the U.S. to cease all suppor...
16 Feb
Forward MIT suspends group critical of Israel for skirting campus rules 14 Feb
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has suspended the campus chapter of the Coalition Against Apartheid, a pro-Palestinian group, for violating u...
14 Feb
Forward Jewish and Muslim comedians team up to bring comedy amid the conflict 8 Feb
Israeli stand-up comedian Erik Angel had to cancel his show in New York due to the conflict in Israel, but later decided to continue performing as a way to b...
8 Feb
Forward 19 Brown University students launch hunger strike over Gaza 5 Feb
A group of 19 Brown University students, including Palestinian, Jewish, Black, and Native Hawaiian students, have started a hunger strike in an effort to pre...
5 Feb
Forward A $35 deck of cards aims to shame world leaders over Gaza casualties 27 Jan
Ashish Prashar and an anonymous collective are selling a deck of War Criminal Playing Cards for $35 with the aim of shaming national leaders they believe are...
27 Jan