"The President's Tailor," a documentary by filmmaker Rick Minnich, explores the extraordinary life of Holocaust survivor Martin Greenfield, who rose from sew...
Actor Scott Ehrenpreis explores his journey living with multiple mental illnesses in his autobiographical one-man show "Clowns Like Me," where he uses humor ...
The play "October 7: In Their Own Words" brought to the stage by right-wing culture warriors, Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney, focuses on Israeli survivors...
In an innovative production, Untitled Theater Company No. 61 stages "Exagoge," based on the world's oldest known Jewish play, blending an opera with a Passov...
"Our Class," a play inspired by the real-life 1941 pogrom in the Polish village of Jedwabne, makes its New York premiere at the Brooklyn Academy of Music's F...
Boysie Dikobe, a 28-year-old dancer with Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo, is on a journey towards Judaism, with an official Conservative conversion pla...