This poignant narrative reflects on the harrowing experiences of Jewish children in the Lodz ghetto during World War II. Recounting memories of teaching a br...
The harrowing account, "In the Boxcar," captures a group of Holocaust victims crammed into a train car heading towards an uncertain fate. Amidst the confusio...
The Bergen-Belsen Diary of Chava Rosenfarb offers a poignant glimpse into the immediate post-liberation experiences of Holocaust survivors. Written at the Be...
Chava Rosenfarb, a prolific Yiddish poet and author, captures the human spirit amid the atrocities of the Holocaust through her poignant poetry. Born in Lodz...
Chava Rosenfarb's poem "There On The Other Side," written in the harsh winter of 1940 in the Lodz ghetto, offers a poignant reflection on freedom, hope, and ...
Simkha-Bunim Shayevitch, a talented but little-known Jewish writer, lived in Lodz ghetto during WWII. He found himself in dire circumstances, navigating a Ka...