Project Cheshbon is an initiative that emphasizes the importance of personal introspection during the Jewish month of Elul, encouraging individuals to engage...
A second assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump was thwarted when a man armed with an AK-47 was spotted by the Secret Service at Trump's golf...
In a reflective piece by Cindy Scarr, we follow Meira, a driven entrepreneur, as she navigates the challenges and triumphs of starting and running her own bu...
"The Shadow of Secrets" is a poignant recounting by Esther Krausz, as told to Shoshana Gross, reflecting on her early childhood memories and her family's ard...
The Asserson Report, initiated by Trevor Asserson, reveals significant anti-Israel bias in the BBC's reporting post-October 7. It highlights the portrayal of...
Senator John Fetterman of Pennsylvania, often perceived as a progressive, has surprised many by becoming an outspoken defender of Israel in the turbulent cli...
Gvira Milworm, CEO of Temech, leverages over 30 years of workforce experience to offer insights on effective leadership and team management, emphasizing the ...
"The Path to Victory Narrows" by Cindy Scarr provides an analysis of the current electoral landscape in five key swing states ahead of the upcoming election:...
In this heartfelt letter, a teacher reflects on a profound classroom moment when a student, unbeknownst to her, reveals the loss of an older brother years ag...
Cindy Scarr provides parents with a detailed guide on selecting safe and essential baby gear, particularly car seats. She highlights the importance of choosi...