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Cindy Scarr

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Mishpacha A Few Minutes with… Senator Ted Cruz   5 Aug
Senator Ted Cruz, a prominent conservative voice in American politics, is running for his third term in the Senate representing Texas. A key player in the Re...
5 Aug
Mishpacha Meet… Dr. Rosalyn Livshin    30 Jul
Dr. Rosalyn Livshin is a British historian who has dedicated her career to collecting oral testimonies from refugees and Holocaust survivors, conducting inte...
30 Jul
Mishpacha Channel It   30 Jul
The author reflects on a frustrating experience trying to obtain a prescription for their child from a medical clinic, highlighting the challenges within soc...
30 Jul
Mishpacha Thank You, Hashem 30 Jul
Modim, an essential section of Shemoneh Esreh, provides a deep and timeless expression of gratitude to Hashem, predating modern trends of superficial gratitu...
30 Jul
Mishpacha The Moment: Issue 1022 30 Jul
Rav Binyamin Finkel, the mashgiach of Yeshivas Mir, expressed guilt for not being at full strength to provide proper support to people seeking his guidance, ...
30 Jul
Mishpacha Parshas Mattos-Masei: Out of the Box 30 Jul
The discussion delves into the significance of Shabbos, likening it to living in Eretz Yisrael while in exile, emphasizing its pivotal role in the redemption...
30 Jul
Mishpacha Summer Semester  30 Jul
After finishing a 12-year career as an eighth-grade rebbi and serving as the rav of Ahavas Israel in Passaic for four years, the author felt the strain of ma...
30 Jul
Mishpacha Lie of the Land: Chapter 8     30 Jul
In Chapter 8 of "Lie of the Land," Rivi is preoccupied with a range of concerns, from a potential crisis at home with the uncooked cholent for Shabbos, to fa...
30 Jul
Mishpacha Pelosi Makes a Risky Bet     30 Jul
The article discusses Nancy Pelosi's endorsement of Dean Preston, a member of the Democratic Socialists of America running for reelection in San Francisco ag...
30 Jul
Mishpacha Not Behind Closed Doors 30 Jul
The article discusses a growing tension in Israel between secular and religious Jews, exemplified by the reaction to a news anchor's public display of religi...
30 Jul