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Cindy Scarr

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Mishpacha Stay Safe, for Ariel’s Sake  16 Jul
"Ariel's Checklist" is a poignant story shared by a couple who tragically lost their son, Ariel Yitzchak, to exertional heat stroke during a hike in Israel. ...
16 Jul
Mishpacha Picture This: Chapter 13 16 Jul
In Chapter 13 of "Picture This," the text delves into the dynamics of relationships and daily routines within a Jewish community. A character named Ayalas ex...
16 Jul
Mishpacha Tempting the Tatars    16 Jul
Russia's recruitment efforts are becoming increasingly desperate, with incentives in Tatarstan offering 100,000 rubles for persuading individuals to fight fo...
16 Jul
Mishpacha Who Is the Bigger Threat to Democracy? 16 Jul
The text discusses the perceived threats to American democracy posed by both Donald Trump and the left-leaning media. It highlights concerns about Trump's au...
16 Jul
Mishpacha Parshas Balak: Friends in Flight 16 Jul
The article reflects on the story of Balak and Bilaam, highlighting how even intended curses can be turned into blessings by Hashem. It draws parallels betwe...
16 Jul
Mishpacha The World of Emes 16 Jul
In a world dominated by falsehood, Shabbos provides a glimpse of unadulterated truth, offering a respite from the pervasive deceit. The current era, characte...
16 Jul
Mishpacha Lie of the Land: Chapter 6      16 Jul
In Chapter 6 of "Lie of the Land," Penina struggles with guilt over snapping at her partner Daniel due to lack of sleep, while also feeling uneasy about not ...
16 Jul
Mishpacha The Songs I Wrote   16 Jul
Eli Klein, known for composing music for various Jewish music artists, has released his own album, "SHIRIM SHEKATAVTI," featuring his singing debut and uniqu...
16 Jul
Mishpacha Fight to the Finish 16 Jul
The article discusses the ongoing political crisis in Israel primarily involving Itamar Ben Gvir, who is clashing with Shas and Prime Minister Netanyahu over...
16 Jul
Oymyakon is known as the coldest town on Earth, with temperatures dropping below -50°F (-45°C) in January and reaching record lows below -90°F (-67.8°C). Loc...
16 Jul