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Cindy Scarr

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Mishpacha The Moment: Issue 1017 25 Jun
Photographer Avraham Elbaz visited the Slabodka Yeshivah in Bnei Brak to capture a scene of Torah learning, finding two dedicated students engrossed in study...
25 Jun
Mishpacha Picture This: Chapter 10   25 Jun
In Chapter 10 of "Picture This," the couple embarks on a shopping trip, with the protagonist realizing she enjoys spending time with her husband, Yonah, desp...
25 Jun
Mishpacha Myopia Management 25 Jun
Myopia, or nearsightedness, is increasing globally, raising public health concerns due to the risks associated with high prescriptions like eye diseases and ...
25 Jun
Mishpacha   True Wealth    25 Jun
The text discusses the concept of supporting a husband's spiritual growth in a marriage, drawing on the wisdom of the Eishes Chayil from Proverbs and insight...
25 Jun
Mishpacha Inbox: Issue 1017 25 Jun
The text discusses various topics from different issues of "Inbox." One story highlights the importance of Shabbos education and observance in the Jewish com...
25 Jun
Mishpacha Lie of the Land: Chapter 3      25 Jun
Penina, a college student, befriends Rivi, a frum girl with her life meticulously planned. Despite initial wariness, they bond over time and become inseparab...
25 Jun
Mishpacha Where Have You Been? 25 Jun
The writer reflects on how mothers often prioritize everything else over their own health, leading to neglect of important checkups. Amidst the busyness of t...
25 Jun
Mishpacha Cool Reception 25 Jun
A Jewish father reflects on the financial pressures and societal expectations he faces in his Orthodox community, particularly when it came to his daughter's...
25 Jun
Mishpacha North Winds 24 Jun
The text discusses the current tensions between Israel and Hezbollah, focusing on the question of whether Hezbollah seeks a full-scale confrontation with Isr...
24 Jun
Mishpacha Keep Dancing   24 Jun
Over a thousand Jews from various UK communities gathered at the Weekend of Inspiration in London, Manchester, and Leeds, receiving support and unity message...
24 Jun