A mother is grappling with accommodating her married son and his growing family during Pesach visits when space is tight in her home, leading to a dilemma ab...
Robin, a vibrant 75-year-old with a love for teaching, family, and her dog, has had her life drastically altered by a brain tumor and subsequent stroke, leav...
The text recounts a series of mishaps in the world of Jewish music and events, detailing instances of the worst orchestra, band-audience ratio, post-concert ...
Torat Imecha Nach Yomi is a program that involves women studying a chapter of Nach (Hebrew Bible) each day, following a cycle that spans Neviim and Kesuvim. ...
The text explores the challenge of controlling our thoughts, using the analogy of trying not to think about a pink elephant. It delves into the idea that whi...
The article explores the historical use of poisoning as a political weapon, emphasizing its long and secretive history as a means to eliminate enemies. It de...
The article discusses the "Traumatized Israel Trope," where critics condemn Israel for alleged callousness and insensitivity in its military operations in Ga...
The author, a Kollel wife living in Israel, reflects on feeling caught in a "strange space in the middle" amid challenging times for Klal Yisrael. Despite wo...
Rav Tzvi Kushelevsky, an 88-year-old rosh yeshivah in Jerusalem, recently celebrated the birth of his first child, a son, with his second wife after being ch...
The article discusses different approaches to celebrating Purim and managing Purim-related expenses. It presents two viewpoints: one individual emphasizes el...