Daci Platt explores the myriad of frustrations Jewish individuals experience during the December holiday season, from the perceived commercialization of Hanu...
Kveller readers share their creative and meaningful Hanukkah traditions, offering inspiration for families seeking to enrich their celebrations. Emphasizing ...
Mah jongg, traditionally a Chinese game, has seen a resurgence among various communities, particularly older Jewish women in the U.S. Recently, the game has ...
Francine Pascal, the creator of the Sweet Valley High series, recently passed away at 92, prompting reflection on her characters and legacy. Surprisingly, ma...
Alana Haim, known for her proud Jewish identity and ties to the band Haim, has recently been seen wearing multiple Star of David necklaces, sparking curiosit...
In this article, the author reminisces about a meet-cute they experienced in Paris under the Eiffel Tower. While studying abroad in London, the author and th...