David Biale

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Jewish Review of Books My Path in Jewish Studies: Memoirs of a Counter-Historian 26 Sep 2023
The author reflects on his journey in Jewish studies, starting with an interview with Gershom Scholem, who emphasized the need to breathe new life into the f...
26 Sep 2023
Jewish Review of Books Weird Big Brother 6 Apr 2022
"The Books of Jacob" by Olga Tokarczuk is a massive novel about Jacob Frank and his followers, a heretical movement in the 18th century. Frank was born in Po...
6 Apr 2022
Tablet Funkenstein 11 Nov 2021
Amos Funkenstein was a heretic within the Jewish tradition who spent his life trying to understand the existence of God, even though he doubted it. He studie...
11 Nov 2021
Jewish Review of Books Blood Delusion 3 Jan 2021
In this article, the author discusses the history of blood libel accusations against Jews and its connection to current conspiracy theories, such as the QAno...
3 Jan 2021
Tablet A 20th Century Jewish Life 18 Nov 2020
This text is a personal reflection on the life of the author's father, a secular Jewish man with a passion for science and a connection to his Jewish heritag...
18 Nov 2020
Jewish Review of Books Looking Backward and Forward 28 Aug 2018
The text discusses the changing status of Jews in America over time, focusing on the concepts of melting pot and cultural pluralism as applied to the Jewish ...
28 Aug 2018
Jewish Review of Books Secularism and Sabbateans 27 Feb 2013
The discussion delves into the topic of Jewish secularization in the 18th century, touching on books like "Secularism and Sabbateans." It explores how tradit...
27 Feb 2013