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David Olivestone

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Jewish Action The Artistry of the Etrog Box 23 Sep
Exploring the artistic evolution of the etrog box, this article delves into the concept of 'hiddur mitzvah,' which emphasizes beautifying the performance of ...
23 Sep
Jewish Action Holding Jewish History in Your Hand 20 Jun
Rabbi Benjamin Yablok of Teaneck, New Jersey, holds a unique collection of Jewish historical treasures in his home, ranging from Temple times to the present ...
20 Jun
Jewish Action Mah Shlomcha? 20 Jun
David Olivestone, a resident of Jerusalem, reflects on life in Israel during a period of war, highlighting the delicate balance between maintaining normalcy ...
20 Jun
Jewish Action Hamadrikh: The New Handbook of Jewish Life 3 Dec 2023
The Rabbinical Council of America (RCA) has released a new edition of Hamadrikh, a handbook for the American rabbinate. The original Hamadrikh was compiled b...
3 Dec 2023
Jewish Action Poland Is the Past 3 Dec 2023
The author shares personal experiences and reflections on the relationship between Polish and Jewish identity. The author's father-in-law, a Holocaust surviv...
3 Dec 2023
Jewish Action Our Tenth Aliyaversary 19 Jun 2023
The author reflects on their positive experience after making aliyah to Israel with their wife. They acknowledge that while there were bureaucratic challenge...
19 Jun 2023
Jewish Action The Best Is Yet to Be 5 Mar 2023
Growing older is a common experience, and a poet named Robert Browning explored this theme in his work. One of his famous poems, "Rabbi Ben Ezra," talks abou...
5 Mar 2023
Jewish Action Of Hospitability And Wine 20 May 2022
This article discusses the tradition of hospitality in Jewish culture, particularly the custom of bringing gifts when invited to someone's home. The author h...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action Of Hospitability And Wine 20 May 2022
The author describes the Jewish tradition of hospitality, particularly the practice of inviting guests into one's home for Shabbat or yom tov meals. They men...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action Inside the Mind of the Gabbai 11 Nov 2021
A gabbai's role in a synagogue is multifaceted and requires a range of skills. They are responsible for managing the various aspects of the service, includin...
11 Nov 2021