David P. Goldman

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Tablet Schumann’s Most Jewish Songs 16 May
Matthias Goerne and Evgeny Kissin performed a captivating program of Schumann and Brahms songs at Carnegie Hall, featuring texts by Heinrich Heine, aligning ...
16 May
Tablet Horror and Humiliation in Gaza 9 Apr
The text discusses the use of horror and humiliation as weapons in the conflict in Gaza, drawing parallels to historical events and analyzing their impact on...
9 Apr
Tablet The Met’s New ‘Therapeutic’ Forza Is a Disaster 8 Mar
The Metropolitan Opera's recent adaptation of Giuseppe Verdi's "The Force of Destiny" by Mariusz Trelnsky was criticized for its misguided portrayal, focusin...
8 Mar
Tablet Verdi’s Jewish Opera Grandly Staged at the Metropolitan 30 Oct 2023
Giuseppe Verdi's opera "Nabucco" is a work with deep Jewish sensibility despite the composer's lack of religious affiliation. The opera's iconic chorus, Va P...
30 Oct 2023
Tablet The Soloveitchik Solution 11 May 2023
In this article, the author argues for a reconciliation between secular and religious Israelis. They suggest that the scientific and technical elite of Israe...
11 May 2023
Tablet Beethoven and Freedom 16 Dec 2020
This article discusses the connection between Beethoven's music and the concept of freedom. It highlights how Bernstein substituted the word "freedom" for "j...
16 Dec 2020
Tablet Is Wagner’s Racism as Bad as It Sounds? 2 Nov 2020
The article discusses whether Wagner's racism was as bad as it sounds. The author argues that Wagner's anti-Semitism went beyond metaphor and was rooted in a...
2 Nov 2020
Tablet Empire of Emperors: What Is China, and Why You Should Worry About It 21 Oct 2020
China, with its imperial history and ambitious population, is now turning its ambitions outward and seeking its place in the world. China's economic success ...
21 Oct 2020
Tablet Who Wore ‘Faust’ Best? 17 Aug 2020
The article discusses different portrayals of the character Mephisto in Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's play Faust. It highlights Gustav Gründgens as the most r...
17 Aug 2020
Tablet Fascist Lit and Hungary’s Future 17 Apr 2020
The text discusses the controversy surrounding the inclusion of the Hungarian writer Jzsef Nyr on the required reading list for Hungarian high school student...
17 Apr 2020