David Rose

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Jewish Chronicle So how did a Hamas apologist get an invitation to Parliament? 22 Mar
Imam Asim Hafiz, the chief Muslim chaplain to Britains armed forces, was involved in controversy after hosting a reception in Parliament where guests with in...
22 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Is there an Islamist-inclined leaker inside Michael Gove’s department? 15 Mar
Michael Gove, known for his stance against Islamist extremism, introduced government policies to address extremism, noting a surge post-terror attacks. He re...
15 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Galloway’s history should be a cause of immense concern to British Jews 1 Mar
George Galloway, a figure with a history of vehemently opposing Israel and its supporters, has recently been elected as the MP for Rochdale, causing concern ...
1 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Yascha Mounk is showing the way out of today’s culture wars 27 Feb
Yascha Mounk, in his book "The Identity Trap," discusses the challenges of identity politics, particularly its impact on antisemitism and the Jewish communit...
27 Feb
Jewish Chronicle Hamas is getting dangerously close to achieving its war aims 23 Feb
Hamas has been making significant strides toward its war goals, including creating fear and insecurity among Israelis, sabotaging prospects for lasting peace...
23 Feb
Jewish Chronicle Complacency, dithering and chaos: shame on Labour 16 Feb
The Labour Party is facing criticism for its handling of members making antisemitic comments. Two parliamentary candidates were suspended after making offens...
16 Feb
Jewish Chronicle Why has Labour’s Rochdale candidate fundraised for a mosque that hosted extremists? 9 Feb
A Muslim website, 5 Pillars, raised concerns about Labours Rochdale candidate, Ali, who has a history of counter-terrorism advisory roles and association wit...
9 Feb
Jewish Chronicle You can’t just say ‘abracadabra’ and conjure a democratic Palestine, Lord Cameron 2 Feb
The author reflects on their visits to Gaza, highlighting the contrasting realities of wealth and poverty in the region. They emphasize the suffering of inno...
2 Feb