The Codevilla Tapes discuss the complex nature of power and governance in America, highlighting the role of an elite ruling class that is purportedly impoten...
Yosef Begun, initially unknown outside Soviet prisons, gained recognition when Elie Wiesel mentioned him in a Nobel Prize speech. Begun's activism for Jewish...
Shimon Peres, a prominent figure in Israeli politics, possessed remarkable skills in navigating complex political landscapes and was known for his strategic ...
Anatoly Shcharansky, a Soviet mathematician, married Natalia Stieglitz (later Avital) on July 4, 1974, before she left for Israel. Shcharansky's efforts to l...
Ziad Abu Ein, a Palestinian activist known for organizing the Olive Branch March during the First Intifada, demonstrated his commitment to nonviolent protest...
Edward Luttwak, a prominent academic and strategic consultant, is known for his work in military strategy, Roman and Byzantine history, and economics. With a...