David Sugarman

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Tablet Once I’m Gone 13 Dec 2023
The article discusses a new documentary called "Nina & Irena," which explores the intergenerational silence and unspoken trauma between Holocaust survivors a...
13 Dec 2023
Tablet The Terrorist, the State, and the Student 19 Oct 2023
This text describes the portrayal of a terrorist in a film and explores the contrast between the terrorist and the state. The terrorist is depicted as beauti...
19 Oct 2023
Tablet Red Marks and Red Lines 30 Mar 2018
The text explores the intertwined histories of Jewish and African-American communities in Baltimore, focusing on the evolution of neighborhoods, synagogue bu...
30 Mar 2018
Tablet A Portrait of the Marriage of Fred and Marcia Weisman, by David Hockney 20 Feb 2018
David Hockney's portrait of Fred and Marcia Weisman in "American Collectors" depicts the couple standing apart and looking unhappy, surrounded by their sculp...
20 Feb 2018
Tablet Melville in Jerusalem 16 Aug 2012
Herman Melville, known for his novel Moby-Dick, faced disappointment and financial struggles in the aftermath of its poor reception. In 1857, Melville travel...
16 Aug 2012
Tablet A Philosopher of Small Things 11 Jun 2012
Boris Groys, in his book "Introduction to Antiphilosophy," discusses a modern trend in philosophy called antiphilosophy, which focuses on the everyday concer...
11 Jun 2012
Tablet Montreal’s Kosher Bootleggers 30 Apr 2012
In Montreal's Hasidic community, obtaining kosher wine beyond the limited selection at government-owned stores led to an underground network of obtaining and...
30 Apr 2012