Noted American photographer Ralph Gibson embarked on a transformative journey through Israel in 2019, capturing the country's essence through his unique arti...
Dana Bash, CNN's chief political correspondent, recently shared her personal experiences with antisemitism encountered following her Middle East coverage, be...
The article highlights the extraordinary role of the Gerda III, a small Danish workboat, in the rescue of Danish Jews during the Holocaust. In October 1943, ...
Paris 1874: The Impressionist Moment is a remarkable exhibition at the National Gallery of Art celebrating the 150th anniversary of the first Impressionist e...
Camille Pissarro, a central figure in the Impressionist movement, was an influential artist who played a key role in the development of modernist painting. B...
Onions have a rich history and significance in Jewish culture and cuisine. They have been cultivated for thousands of years, with various health benefits and...
Israeli artist Zoya Cherkassky's exhibition, The 7 October 2023 Series at the Jewish Museum in New York, presents dark and intense drawings reflecting the tr...
Meital Orr, a professor at Georgetown University, teaches a course titled "Re-examining the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in Literature and Film" that explore...
Literary and film critic Meital Orr argues that films can provide a nuanced understanding of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by capturing the perspectives o...
Karen Davis, a collector of vintage Jewish New Year cards, has recently published a book featuring her collection of over 200 cards dating back to the 1880s....