Diane M. Bolz

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Moment Talk of the Table | The Versatile, Vengeful, Volatile Onion 15 Apr
Onions have a rich history and significance in Jewish culture and cuisine. They have been cultivated for thousands of years, with various health benefits and...
15 Apr
Moment Visual Moment | Depicting Devastation 11 Apr
Israeli artist Zoya Cherkassky's exhibition, The 7 October 2023 Series at the Jewish Museum in New York, presents dark and intense drawings reflecting the tr...
11 Apr
Moment A Human Lens: Teaching the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Through Film 12 Feb
Meital Orr, a professor at Georgetown University, teaches a course titled "Re-examining the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in Literature and Film" that explore...
12 Feb
Moment Visual Moment | A Cinematic Window on the Conflict 16 Jan
Literary and film critic Meital Orr argues that films can provide a nuanced understanding of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by capturing the perspectives o...
16 Jan
Moment Shana Tova in the Mail: A Collector’s Vintage Jewish New Year Cards 14 Sep 2023
Karen Davis, a collector of vintage Jewish New Year cards, has recently published a book featuring her collection of over 200 cards dating back to the 1880s....
14 Sep 2023
Moment Visual Moment | Israeli Artist Sigalit Landau’s Immersion in the Dead Sea 16 Jun 2023
The Israel Museum in Jerusalem is hosting an exhibition of the work of Israeli artist Sigalit Landau, titled "The Burning Sea." Landau has been creating art ...
16 Jun 2023